Seiren North America is committed to conducting our operations in a socially responsible manner. We
comply with all local and international laws maintaining respect for all cultures and a strong focus
on our community and our environment. Our goal is to maintain sustainability in both our products and our
actions. The safety of our employees is our top priority.
Seiren North America, LLC is committed to providing equal access to all suppliers and to promoting diversity in our
supply base. Our diversity mission is to proactively identify, build relationships with, and purchase goods and services
from certified minority owned companies that can assist us in achieving our business objectives. It shall be the policy of
Seiren North America that diverse suppliers will have an equal opportunity to be included in our supply chain. All companies
that do business with Seiren North America must demonstrate the ability to add value, and to provide high-quality goods
and services that are competitively priced, reliable, and aligned with our commitment to provide the best quality products.
Interested suppliers may contact purchasing at the following link: